the 2nd annual Mosquito Fleet Fest on the Port Orchard waterfront

thank you!

Love Kitsap created this wonderful Mosquito Fleet Fest Guide!

vendor applications

2024 schedule of events

  • Sailing Option #1 Virginia V Boat Tours

    Sail aboard the beautiful VIRGINIA V for a 1hr experience.

    Buy tickets below.

  • Sailing Option #2 Story Sails Carlisle II


    11am + 12:30pm
    Host: Love Kitsap
    Narrator: Josh Farley
    Foot Ferry Terminal

  • Seagull Calling Contest

    Port Orchards famous Seagull Calling Contest!

    Gazebo Waterfront
    Sponsor: SK Chamber

  • Farmers Market Schedule

    The oldest and longest running farmers market in Kitsap!

    9am - 2pm
    Marina Parking Lot

  • Maritime Themed Vendor Market

    Vendors will line the marina entrance with goodies and mementos of our first annual Fest.

  • Scavenger Hunt

    Go hunting for Mosquito Fleets! Grab your instructions at the event booth. One lucky player will win a prize basket.

  • Artists Alley

    Sponsored by the SK Artists Association and located at the Underwater mural on the side of the Public Market.

  • Gigantic book sale

    Fri+Sat, May 24+25, 10a-3p
    The Memorial Day Friends of the Library book sale (inside and outside) at the Library.
    Fill a bag of books for $5!

The only seagull calling contest in America!

Virginia V

‘24 Sailing Experiences

2025 Tour Information coming soon..

The S.S. VIRGINIA V sailed her maiden voyage on June 11, 1922, as part of the Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet. The VIRGINA V maintained the route between Seattle and Tacoma along the West Pass (also known as “Colvos Passage”) between Vashon Island and the Kitsap Peninsula from 1922 to 1938.


2 opportunities to sail aboard the beautiful VIRGINIA V for an hour long experience on Sinclair Inlet.

$25 per person for adults. $10 for kids 12 and under. (Please arrive 30 minutes prior to sailing time to board the vessel).

*Tickets are transferrable, but non-refundable.

Please email if you have any questions regarding these 3 sailings!

Carlisle II


* 2025 ticket sales * will open soon.

The guided tour experience learning about Kitsap’s Mosquito Fleet history with guest narrator and local historian Josh Farley.

Tickets are purchased on this site through the Port Orchard Bay Street Association.

Please Note:

Both the Carlisle II and Virginia V are historic vessels and as such, are not ADA compliant. Accommodations for those with limited mobility and special needs might be possible, but there are stairs, confined restroom spaces, and a noisy environment.

our sponsors!